[LinCVS Users] CrossVC XXL 2.0.0-pre3 released
Tilo Riemer
2006-12-27 11:46:47 UTC

The third pre-version of CrossVC XXL 2.0 is available now.

This version supports the svn move and svn cleanup commands now. The
profiles are available now in the svn import and checkout dialogs. User
and password for the http schema are now supported for the svn import
command. The German translation has been improved.
You can find the complete Changelog here:

A binary is available for Windows. Binaries for Mac OS X, Linux and
Solaris Sparc will be available next time.

Best regards,
Tilo Riemer
Tilo Riemer mailto:***@lincvs.org
Dresden, Germany http://www.lincvs.org